Roaring Strawberry

Setting Up Email on your Computer

To setup your computer to send/receive email, you must already have the email account created in your Control Panel. You will need the following information when following the step by step instructions below for your email program. Required Information Setup Instructions

Setting Up Your Email On Your Phone

n order to set up email on your mobile phone, you first must have a smartphone that is email-enabled through a built-in application or one you can download from an app store. Almost all modern smartphones are produced with one of the two reigning mobile operating systems: android and iOS. In this blog post, we’ll explore the fundamentals of connecting these devices to the most popular email services. Android Email Setup iOS Email Setup There are hundreds of mail applications that can enable your smartphone with additional email features. Most common email providers (Outlook, Gmail, Aol, Yahoo, etc) can be added in a similar manner stated above via the built-in email application. Not sure what to do next, send a screenshot to 074 120 0279 on whatsapp.

The top 3 reasons businesses do not grow (and how to fix it)

I heard it again today… the discouragement of a bsuiiness owner not making enough sales. The journey of building your business is unpredictable and, at times, most of us end up feeling a bit disheartened. But remember, you’re not alone. Building a business is like riding a roller coaster, with exhilarating highs of success and challenging lows of doubt. Not fond of the low? Me neither. But fear not! In this article, I want to share three key reasons why businesses often face growth hurdles and, more importantly, how you can overcome them. The good news? It’s not rocket science, so keep reading! Reason One: Standing Out from the Crowd Let’s face it – the business landscape is busy. However, that’s not a bad thing. In fact, it presents an opportunity. If your industry seems saturated, it’s a sign that there’s demand for what you offer. The key to standing out lies in establishing authority. Gone are the days when authority was reserved for those with deep pockets for traditional media exposure. Today, social media and email marketing empower you to showcase your expertise authentically. Share your knowledge and values through articles and videos. You don’t need a fancy studio – just your smartphone and your genuine self. If you’re not sure where to start, stay tuned for some tips at the end. Reason Two: Lack of a Marketing System Technology is your best friend in the business world. It allows you to create a marketing system that works tirelessly while you focus on other aspects of your business. A good marketing system involves organic and paid social media, sales funnels, email marketing, and automated payment platforms. Invest at least an hour a day in building your marketing system. Start small – first, develop your organic social media system, then move on to paid social media. Next, establish an email marketing system, and finally, integrate sales funnels. This systematic approach ensures that your business gets noticed even when you’re not actively promoting it. Reason Three: Long-Term Strategy vs. Quick Fixes It’s tempting to fall for the promise of quick fixes, but successful marketing, like investing, is a long game. Every action is a drop in the bucket, contributing to the eventual overflow. The challenge is that many business owners kick over the bucket and start from scratch too often. Your marketing efforts are like a complex web, with various actions and returns. While excelling in one area is beneficial, lasting results come from taking action across all marketing fronts. It’s about playing the long game and understanding that consistency is key. So there you have it – three common barriers to business growth and practical solutions to overcome them. Remember, building a successful business is a journey, not a sprint. Ps. If you’re looking for exposure and guidance on creating compelling videos, reach out to us at to be featured in our Momfluence Magazine. You’ll get a long-form video, short snippets for reels, a magazine article, and a blog post – all for as little as R150. P.p.s. Need help with social media, email marketing, website, or branding? We’ve got you covered with both “done for you” (higher investment, less time required) and “done with you” (smaller investment, more time). Email us at for details.

Selling cosmetics or skincare? Then this is for you.

If you sell cosmetics and skincare products and want to promote engagement on social media, here are some swipe post and reel ideas: Swipe Post Ideas: Reel Ideas: Remember to use engaging captions, emojis, and relevant hashtags to boost visibility and encourage user interaction. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, asking questions, and encouraging them to share their experiences with your products. Building a community around your cosmetics and skincare brand can enhance engagement and foster brand loyalty. If you need help with any of these, think about joining our DIY Social Media Support Group.

Selling fragrances? Then this is for you.

If you’re looking for swipe post and reel ideas to promote engagement for your fragrance business, here are some creative ideas: Swipe Post Ideas: Reel Ideas: Remember to engage with your audience by responding to comments, asking questions, and encouraging user-generated content. Building a sense of community around your fragrance brand can lead to increased engagement and brand loyalty. If you need help with any of these, think about joining our DIY Social Media Support Group.

How to Develop a High-Performing Quiz for Growing Your Email Subscribers

Are you frequently pondering the ideal free lead magnet to entice your audience into subscribing to your email list? You may have invested countless hours in unfinished PDFs or attempted complex webinar funnels, but I’m here to introduce you to a simple and enjoyable approach to attract your target audience and expand your email subscriber base: Conversion-Focused Quizzes. Did you know that the average quiz can achieve a lead capture rate of 31.6%? According to Inc., capturing email leads through quizzes can result in open rates as high as 150%. These are impressive statistics! Don’t get me wrong; traditional methods of email list building still have their merits. If you’re successfully attracting sign-ups by offering an eBook or a 7-day email course, keep at it! However, why not enhance your lead generation strategy by incorporating quizzes? High-converting quizzes can yield exceptional results. Quizzes are not only enjoyable and engaging but also potent tools for engaging your audience and capturing leads. Why Quizzes Are Exceptional for Building an Email List As we all know, quizzes are engaging and interactive, but they also provide valuable insights into your subscribers, which can enhance your content strategy. Add to that the two-way interaction that quizzes facilitate, and you have a powerful tool for engaging prospects. Let’s explore the top five reasons why you should integrate quizzes into your email list building strategy: 1. Personalization: Research by Instapage shows that 74% of customers become frustrated when website content lacks personalization. Quizzes are an effective way to add personalization to your website, content, and email campaigns. This personal touch allows prospects to learn more about themselves and strengthens their connection with your brand. 2. Easy Sharing: Quizzes are highly shareable content. On average, a quiz gets shared 1,900 times, according to Buzzsumo. This means that your quiz has the potential to reach a wide audience when a select group shares it. Leveraging this virality can quickly put your business in the spotlight. 3. Lead Qualification: Quality leads are essential. Quizzes can help ensure that the people joining your email list are genuinely interested in your niche or have a problem your brand can solve. Tailoring your quiz to your brand ensures that leads generated through quizzes are qualified and more likely to engage. 4. Focus and Relevance: Quizzes are unique in their ability to focus on and address your audience’s specific needs or experiences. Unlike static marketing tests, quizzes provide real-time data on customer preferences and adapt to individual responses. This relevance keeps your audience engaged and provides valuable, up-to-date data. 5. Segmentation: With quizzes, you can easily segment your audience based on their quiz results. This segmentation allows you to tailor your marketing efforts to individual needs, eliminating the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional marketing. 5 Steps to Creating Compelling Quizzes Now that we understand the power of quizzes for email list growth, let’s walk through the essential steps for creating high-converting quizzes tailored to your audience: Step #1. Choose a Relevant Topic – Ensure your quiz topic resonates with your audience. – Develop a topic that’s both fun to share and relevant to your brand. – Consider creativity, relevance, and broad appeal when choosing a topic. #2. Design Helpful Quiz Results – Determine the desired outcomes for quiz-takers. – Align results with your content, products, or services. – Craft the quiz with a clear objective in mind, whether it’s newsletter sign-ups, product promotion, or audience insight gathering. #3. Ask the Right Questions – Create questions that provide insights about your audience. – Craft questions that engage and relate to your audience. – Use questions to gather valuable market research. Step #4. Design Your Quiz – Select a suitable quiz software (e.g., Interact, LeadQuizzes, SurveyMonkey). – Customize your quiz template with engaging visuals and question types. – Ensure your quiz is user-friendly and visually appealing. #5. Connect Your Email Software and Create a Follow-Up Sequence – Integrate your quiz software with your email platform. – Segment your email list to target quiz-takers. – Craft follow-up emails based on quiz results, guiding subscribers to relevant content or products. Step #6. Promote Your Quiz! – Share your quiz on social media platforms. – Add links to your quiz across your website and content. – Encourage quiz-takers to share their results on social media. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging the power of quizzes to grow your email list effectively. How to Create a Quiz Using the Interact Quiz Maker Are you eager to create your first quiz or seeking a better quiz maker? Here’s a step-by-step guide on setting up a quiz using Step #1: Sign Up on – Visit and click on the “Make Your Own Quiz For Free” button. – Fill out the required signup form and verify your email. Step #2: Choose a Template – Select a template from the premade collections or browse categories to find the ideal template. Step #3: Customize Your Quiz – Personalize your chosen template by editing text, colors, images, and design layouts. – Consider integrating your email provider to collect leads. – Save and publish your quiz when you’re ready. In Conclusion While many businesses struggle to grow their email lists, you can stay ahead of the curve by using quizzes to engage your audience. There are countless types of quizzes you can create, from educational and informational to inspirational or just plain fun. Before crafting a quiz, ensure you understand your audience’s interests, fears, and questions, using these insights to create irresistible quizzes that add value and build a highly targeted email list. JOIN US FOR A LIVE QUIZ BUILDING WORKSHOP ON 19 OCTOBER. DURING HIS WORKSHOP WE WILL ALSO SHOW YOU HOW TO USE CHAT GPT TO SET UP YOUR QUESTIONS AND RESULTS. Click Here To Register

Social Media Manager Performance Evaluation Checklist

Use the following checklist to assess whether your social media manager is delivering value and meeting your business goals. This checklist includes measurable metrics to help you evaluate their performance effectively. 1. Goal Alignment: 2. Content Quality: 3. Posting Consistency: 4. Audience Engagement: 5. Follower Growth: 6. Traffic and Conversions: 7. Social Media Advertising: 8. Analytics and Reporting: 9. Crisis Management: 10. Platform Diversity: 11. Keeping Up with Trends: 12. Cost-Effectiveness: 13. Communication and Collaboration: 14. Strategy Adjustments: 15. Compliance and Ethics: Regularly reviewing this checklist can help you ensure that your social media manager is delivering value and contributing to your business’s growth. Be prepared to discuss areas of improvement and work together to refine your social media strategy as needed. Download the printable version of this checklist here. You will get access to some other freebies too.

Why A Good Social Media Manager is Worth Their Weight in Gold

Why Social Media Managers Charge R15,000+ Per Month: Unveiling the Value In today’s digital age, the role of a social media manager has become indispensable for businesses of all sizes. These professionals are responsible for crafting and executing comprehensive social media strategies to boost brand presence, engage with the audience, and drive growth. But why do social media managers often charge R15 000 or more per month? Let’s delve into the reasons behind this pricing and explore the extensive list of responsibilities that come with the role. The Value of a Social Media Manager The Responsibilities of a Social Media Manager Here is a detailed list of responsibilities that justify the monthly fee: The Bottom Line While R15 000 per month may seem steep, it reflects the immense value that a dedicated social media manager brings to your business. Their expertise, time commitment, and ability to drive results make them a worthwhile investment. By entrusting your social media efforts to a professional, you’re not just paying for a service; you’re investing in the growth and success of your brand in the digital age. Request your free social media audit here.

DIY Marketing, Freelancers, or In-House Teams: Making the Right Choice for Your Business

In the world of modern business, effective marketing is paramount to success. Whether you’re a startup with a limited budget or an established corporation, the choice of how to manage your marketing efforts can be a critical decision. Should you go the DIY route, hire a freelancer, or assemble an in-house marketing team? Let’s explore the pros and cons of each option to help you make the right choice for your business. 1. DIY Marketing: A Budget-Friendly Option Doing it yourself (DIY) marketing can be an attractive option for businesses, especially startups and small enterprises with limited resources. Here are some instances when DIY marketing might be the way to go: When you’re just starting: In the early stages of your business, you may not have the financial means to hire professionals. DIY marketing can help you get your feet wet and build a basic online presence. When you have niche expertise: If you have a strong understanding of your industry and marketing concepts, you can handle some marketing tasks independently. This can include social media management, content creation, or email marketing. When you have time: DIY marketing can be time-consuming, so it’s suitable when you have the time to dedicate to it. However, this may not be feasible as your business grows. 2. Freelancers: Flexible Expertise on Demand Hiring freelancers can be an excellent middle ground between DIY marketing and building an in-house team. Freelancers are specialists who can bring their expertise to your business when needed. Here are situations when hiring a freelancer makes sense: For specialized projects: When you require specific skills, such as graphic design, copywriting, or SEO optimization, hiring a freelancer with expertise in that area can yield impressive results. To supplement your team: If you have an in-house marketing team but need additional support for certain projects or during busy periods, freelancers can be a cost-effective solution. For short-term campaigns: Freelancers can be ideal for short-term marketing campaigns or initiatives that don’t justify hiring a full-time employee. 3. In-House Marketing Team: A Long-Term Investment Building an in-house marketing team is a significant commitment but can offer numerous advantages in the long run. Here are scenarios where an in-house team is the right choice: When marketing is a core function: If your business heavily relies on marketing for growth, having a dedicated in-house team ensures that your marketing efforts are aligned with your overall business strategy. For ongoing campaigns: If your marketing efforts are continuous and require constant attention, like content marketing or social media management, an in-house team can provide consistency and adaptability. To maintain full control: An in-house team gives you greater control over your marketing efforts, allowing for real-time adjustments and better coordination with other departments. Conclusion: Finding the Right Balance The choice between DIY marketing, hiring freelancers, or establishing an in-house marketing team is not one-size-fits-all. It depends on your business’s unique needs, budget, and long-term goals. Many businesses start with DIY marketing and transition to freelancers or in-house teams as they grow. The key is to assess your situation regularly and adapt your marketing strategy accordingly. Ultimately, the right choice will empower your business to reach its marketing goals and fuel its growth in a competitive marketplace. Download this FREE Quiz to see if which marketing option is best for your business right now.

GROWTH: Sales, Marketing and Social Media

Marketing, graphic design, social media and sales… all these roles are so closely related that we often get confused. When we get confused, our expectations are unrealistic and then we are often dissatisfied with the result. By understanding each role, you will more easily understand where our role as a freelance service provider ends and were your role as business owner and as employees start. In today’s dynamic business landscape, the path to success is often paved with a multifaceted approach. Gone are the days when a single strategy could propel a business to growth and prosperity. Now, the interplay of various disciplines like marketing, graphic design, website design, sales, and social media plays a pivotal role in fueling business growth. Let’s delve into each of these components and understand their unique contributions to the grand scheme of things. 1. Marketing: Your marketing team are the architechts of your business and especially it’s image. Marketing is the overarching strategy that encompasses all other elements. It is the foundation upon which a business builds its brand identity and communicates its value proposition to the target audience. Effective marketing involves understanding customer needs, market trends, and competition, and using this knowledge to position your brand strategically. By utilizing various marketing channels like advertising, content marketing, and public relations, businesses create awareness and interest, thereby driving potential customers down the sales funnel. 2. Graphic Design: The Visual Language of your business Graphic design is the art of visually communicating your brand’s message. It involves creating eye-catching logos, stunning visuals, and compelling layouts that resonate with your target audience. The power of graphic design lies in its ability to evoke emotions, establish brand recognition, and make a lasting impression. When used effectively, it can significantly enhance a brand’s appeal and contribute to business growth by attracting and retaining customers. 3. Website Design: Your Digital Storefront giving people access into your business In the digital age, your website is often the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. Website design focuses on creating user-friendly, visually appealing, and informative digital platforms. A well-designed website not only provides a seamless user experience but also acts as a powerful sales and marketing tool. It can showcase your products or services, capture leads, and serve as a hub for all your online activities. A poorly designed website can be a major deterrent to growth, whereas a well-crafted one can be a catalyst for success. You will also have various entrances to your website, different doors that people cna use to gain access toyour website. Smart businesses also have a series of check points where they can touch base with customers who are on their way to the website. 4. Sales: Nurturing Customer Relationships Sales are the engine that drives revenue. The sales team is responsible for converting leads and prospects into paying customers. While marketing generates interest and awareness, it’s the sales team’s job to build relationships, understand customer pain points, and demonstrate how your products or services can solve those problems. Effective sales strategies, combined with a customer-centric approach, can lead to higher customer retention rates and repeat business, which are crucial for sustained growth. 5. Social Media: Engaging with Your Audience Social media has transformed the way businesses connect with their customers. It offers a direct line of communication, enabling real-time interactions and feedback. Social media marketing involves creating and sharing content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to engage with your audience, build brand loyalty, and drive traffic to your website. By leveraging the power of social media, businesses can tap into a vast audience and boost brand visibility, ultimately contributing to growth. In conclusion, while each of these disciplines—marketing, graphic design, website design, sales, and social media—has its distinct role in the business ecosystem, they are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Effective marketing creates brand awareness, graphic and website design enhance brand appeal, sales close deals, and social media maintains engagement. When all these elements work in harmony, they create a powerful synergy that propels business growth in the competitive marketplace. To succeed in today’s business world, it’s essential to recognize and harness the collective potential of these diverse disciplines. Take Away Thought: While Social Media is a cost effective way to engage with customers and the ultimately generate leads, you social media manager is not whole heartedly responsible for the effective marketing of your business. Should you want to book a FREE 10 min call with us to explore how we can assist you business, do so here.